In keeping with our belief that the work of digital marketing and search marketing moves so fast that you must always keep learning Tim & Oktawiusz attended BrightonSEO on the 2nd September. Every year this event grows in scale, but doesn’t loose it’s quality, and still manages to keep it’s personality. This event was no exception and with over 3000 search marketeers attending there was plenty of buzz and networking going on.

Search Engine Optimisation is more than SEO
Good search engine optimisation looks at more than simply places on the SERPs and Brighton SEO follows this mantra. The talks this year were varied covering a multitude of topics that are all related to, in our minds, getting the best profits from your digital marketing.
Online Reputation Management
The keynote lunchtime speech was by Andy Beal who provided both an informative and entertaining talk. He highlighted some good reputational actions to do on social media / online but mostly highlighted the things that you should never do with some very cringe-worthy examples.
Voice Search
Asking your device, particularly mobile phone, verbally uses different syntax and language. Different search language and different ways of returning search results affects how you optimise for voice search. With 50% of searches on mobiles predicted to be voice searches within 3 years it is important area for us to be assisting our clients with.
Search Engine Optimisation for eCommerce
With the level of competition for every £1 spent online growing at a terrific rate you can never know enough about optimising eCommerce sites for search. Talks included the latest research evidence as well as a real focus on the importance of technical SEO, which we are already very strong on.
Local SEO
Changes in the ‘local pack’ – the term used for the map results on a SERPs page are on going. Talks on Local SEO focused on how to make the most of local search with competition and algorithm changes putting pressure on companies’ abilities to consistently appear in these results. The bridge between online and the high street is growing with the use of mobile devices during physical shopping activities. Helping our clicks and bricks clients understand how best to engage with their customers is important to drive their growth through competitive advantage.
Marketing Automation
This is an area we have been involved in for many years with our larger clients and something that we see the benefits of being applicable to more and more companies. Some very detailed talks about marketing automation, including by the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (of whom Tim is a member of) provided great information on implementation plans and how best to maximise marketing automation benefits.
We will be writing up further more detailed blogs on each of the subjects going forward so please keep returning to our blog pages or email to sign up for our email newsletter.