Live video is not a new feature with a number of social media platforms offering the service. However, using it for content marketing is still in the early stages and many companies are not embracing the potential it can hold. The stats demonstrate that companies should be using live video as part of their digital marketing strategy, especially when you consider that 78% of audiences are already watching and engaging with Facebook live content.
Using live video to engage your audience 
There are a variety of ways to engage with your audience, whether this be through digital marketing channels such as paid search or through social media messages. Live video offers a different way to engage with your audience and a method that not all companies are fully embracing at the moment.
Depending on where your company is most present on social media, you can make use of the following live video applications:
- Twitter Periscope
- Instagram Live
- Facebook Live
- YouTube Live
Choose the platform that makes the most sense for your brand and has the most engagement. If your most followed and engaged with social media platform is Twitter, then it makes sense to use Twitter Periscope to host live videos. If it is Facebook, then use Facebook Live. There is no point hosting a live video on a social media platform that you do not get great engagement on, so choose wisely.
Live video return on investment
When it comes to marketing it is all about ROI. The good news is that hosting a live video is easy to do and cheap.
Consider where are you currently investing your time on social media? If you are spending hours each month creating Twitter messages is this really the most effective use of your time? The click through rate for links on Twitter is just 2%, so churning out Twitter messages is not always the best way to encourage engagement and bring people to your website.
Live video offers a very different way to engage with your audience and can be a much better use of time than other methods of content creation. 80% of people would rather watch live video from a brand than read a blog, which shows the value of using live video as a means of engagement. Live video is also a great way to support content, so make sure you are considering it as part of your business’ wider content marketing strategy.
Creating a great live video
Despite being easy to do, there are a few steps that you should follow to ensure the live video you create is effective. The quality of the video is certainly important, especially when you consider that 90% of Facebook Live viewers say video quality is the most important aspect.
The video itself can be filmed on a mobile phone providing it has a good camera and then also consider how it will be filmed. If it is a static image, then use a tripod so the camera does not move around. Think about how the people in the video will look and present themselves. Live video is exactly that; live, so no one is expecting a Hollywood blockbuster, but ensure that the video looks professional and reflects your brand image in a positive way.
What’s different about live video
One of the stand-out draws of live video is creating a sense of urgency. Live video means that to experience it live you have to watch it right now, in the moment and this naturally draws people in. For this reason, it is also vital to consider when you air your live video. A busy Monday morning when people are busy in meetings and replying to emails probably isn’t a good time. A Friday lunch time when people are winding down for the weekend may be better suited to your audience. The more live videos you do the more data you will gather on the best times to engage with your audience, so be prepared to adapt your strategy accordingly.
Live video presents a different view. It can be used very effectively to present behind the scenes action, which can be highly engaging as it shows exclusive content that people would not normally get to see.
It can also be very reactive. For example, people can comment as the live video is underway and this can lead to questions being asked and responded to in real time. It is a very different form of video content compared to pre-recorded video and can therefore offer viewers a very different experience.
5 tips for live video success
There are some top tips that for live video success that you should follow:
- Do not just stream the video, promote it first. Make sure that people know you are going to be doing a live video by promoting it on social media, through email and through paid advertising if your budget allows.
- Do not be too scripted, but make sure you are prepared. Have a general idea of how you want your live video to be structured, which can be simplified into bullet points.
- Do not set times, set sections. You should not have a defined time for each section as this can make it seem scripted and remove the potential to react to comments as they come through. Instead how sections you want to cover and move through them naturally.
- Do not go it alone. Involve different people with different personalities and different specialities to bring variety to the video.
- Have a follow up plan. When the video is finished the work is not done! Make sure to promote the video after it has aired to engage with more people who may watch it at a later date.
Consider how your company can use live video
Live video is already being taken advantage of by some companies and if yours is yet to add it to your marketing strategy then you could be missing out on potential engagement and a unique way to present your brand. Your first video is unlikely to be perfect but make a start and use the data you collect to improve your approach. Do not ignore the power if live video to engage with your audience.
If you would like to find out more about how your company can make the most of Live Video, then please feel free to contact the Innovation Visual team who will be happy to advise you.