Black Belt for Taekwondo Champion Phoenix Goodman
As you know Innovation Visual are sponsoring a young athlete called Phoenix Goodman who is an up and coming Taekwondo champion. As part of Phoenix’s continuing development we are proud to say that Phoenix passed her Taekwondo Black Belt on Saturday, which is a huge achievement.What is a Black Belt in Taekwondo?
As you learn the art of Taekwondo a student will pass a series of grading represented by varying colour belts. For Black Belt there is a Junior Black Belt and a full (senior) Black Belt. The only difference between the two as far as grading requirements go are the number of boards broken during the grading.

As the student progresses through the ranks their thirst for further knowledge increases and Taekwondo becomes an increasing part of their life. To achieve the Rank of Black Belt a student must be committed to the Art.
Phoenix has reached the top of her Art with a Black Belt and this was through hard work, skill, determination and many years of training. By reaching Black Belt also means that Phoenix is recognised has having reached a level of maturity, intuition and discipline as well as physical ability.
Fun Run, Southampton

On Sunday Phoenix also ran a mile Fun Run in Southampton for ABP, Southampton raising money for her Taekwondo team. And she did the run in just over 5 mins, which is brilliant!
Phoenix says “I had great fun doing it?” and “she feels fit and ready to set off on her travels to complete in The Presidents Cup in Athens this week”.
The Presidents Cup, Athens, Europe
So whats next for Phoenix? Phoenix is going to compete in the Presidents Cup in Athens and she will be travelling with her team to compete over the course of the week from 27th to 30th April. Phoenix has been selected to compete and she has done so well as this is a European competition and Phoenix is still only 11 years old. To be selected a participant must be nominated by the National Taekwondo Association that is recognised by the European Taekwondo Union and by their National Olympic Committee.