Shopping campaigns are notoriously hard to maintain and can be difficult to get a good result from. However, when done correctly shopping ads can dramatically increase conversions and increase your ROI.
Shopping campaigns are notoriously hard to maintain and can be difficult to get a good result from. However, when done correctly shopping ads can dramatically increase conversions and increase your ROI.
Topics: PPC
Although SEO principles are roughly the same globally, companies that apply the same strategy for different countries are bound to fail. The reason is that populations are different and will value different things compared to other markets.
Topics: SEO
Innovation Visual are delighted to announce the launch of the new Home Instead Senior Care website. Home Instead have been working in partnership with Innovation Visual for a number of years to support their digital marketing activities including improving search engine optimisation and improving overall website visibility.
Topics: News
Facebook has gotten a lot of press in recent months and most of it hasn’t been so great. However, as marketers, we rely on platforms like Facebook to do our jobs. Because of this, it’s hard to ignore the importance of this kind of advertising and the potential returns it can produce for business and clients. Therefore, being aware of providing the best possible experience to users is essential.
At the beginning, before canonicals and structured data markup Google had two users, one being the content creators; the people creating what makes Google so special: it’s content!
Secondly, there were the content consumers. These are the people who search Google to find anything from funny gifs of cats to educational information; that without Google would’ve taken far longer to find.
There seems to be a growing debate between marketers and business’ on how to make a PPC account on Google Ads, Bing, Facebook or LinkedIn successful. Often it will be a mixture of both investment and best practice, however, in the confusion important aspects often get forgotten about or ignored.
Innovation Visual Ltd
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