When you think of Virtual Reality, the word ‘cardboard’ is unlikely to be the first word that comes into your mind. Virtual Reality is something that we have deemed to be a technology of the future, and so we expect it to ‘appear’ like a futuristic technology. Such a product being made out of a material like cardboard simply doesn’t fit this vision, but thanks to Google, it does now!
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For many businesses, big and small, gaining high local rankings is critical to driving quality traffic to their site.
Over the past couple of years, Google has refined the local SEO ranking algorithm. And while like many aspects of search engine optimisation, gaining quality local web traffic requires a holistic approach, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of gaining local search traffic.
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Google has announced that search results pages on the desktop will no longer show text ads in the right sidebar. Instead, as many as four text ads will display above the organic listings, and three text ads will show at the bottom of the page.
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Innovation Visual is happy to announce one of their brightest team members, Oktawiusz Skrzek, has successfully passed his final exams and collected his Master’s degree, as a successful result of his university studies.
Oktawiusz has graduated in Public Discourse at the University of Silesia in Katowice, which is one of the biggest in Poland; and is the biggest in Silesia.
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Our Team,
Google has now removed the right-hand side ads on the desktop results pages, a feature that has been with us since the system started. The new ad layout sees up to 4 ads at the top and up to 3 ads below the organic results. This means that the total number of paid ads showing on a results page has just dropped from 11 to 7, but the positioning of these ads is much more significant as to how advertisers can choose to react to the changes.
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