News, Articles & Knowledge

Integrating SEO Provisions To Protect Your Website

15-Feb-2016 17:02:42 | 1 Minute Read

Following the recent Burj Khalifa Google update, there has been a rise in spam and even hacked content on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Google officials are saying that this sudden increase in malware-infected results is not down to the recent updates that have been undertaken on the Google algorithm. So, what is causing this to happen and why should we be worried about this? Obviously, we should to be worried about this, as no one wants to come back from their weekend off and find out that their website has been compromised by cyber criminals. As well, this is extremely harmful for SEO, as Google penalises your website because of this, and displays a ‘This site may be hacked’ message on your search results. Not only will this affect how many people visit your website, it will also affect your effective SEO, as Google will be reluctant to show results that do not provide users with relevant content, and especially if the content has been hacked in the past.

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Topics: SEO

Innovation Visual named as a Winning Paid Search Agency

15-Feb-2016 00:00:50 | 1 Minute Read

For the last quarter of 2015, Innovation Visual Limited had been participating in the Google Partners 'Ready to Rock' competition. On Friday the 12th of February, we were proudly named as one of the best-performing agencies, with regards to client AdWords spend during the previous quarter, and received a bundle of goodies for doing so.

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Topics: News, Awards

What is the Importance of Local SEO Nowadays?

08-Feb-2016 11:48:38 | 2 Minute Read

Ever since Google released their “Pigeon” update back in 2014, Geographical search has become an essential subject for all SEO professionals and webmasters to consider. And the importance of local SEO has continued growing since.

The ‘Pigeon Update’ was an entirely new algorithm that was first released on the 24th July, 2014. Its purpose is to accurately provide more relevant local search results, whilst also adhering to the more traditional ranking signals.

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Topics: SEO, News

Business Owners Learn More on Digital Best Practice

28-Jan-2016 09:36:48 | 1 Minute Read

Tim Butler from Innovation Visual spoke at the Haslemere Chamber of Commerce 'Making the Most of Your Digital Presence' Networking & education event on Wednesday evening. Also speaking was Steve Baker from Step Bak Copywriting talking about blog writing and copywriting for websites - a vital area in our opinion. Philip Clifford-Brown was showcasing the new Haslemere Chamber website as well as talking about website development in general. The whole evening was organised by Chamber Committee member, Bruce Wallace founder of Haslenet IT, Haslemere's premier IT Support company.

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Topics: Events

Burj Khalifa, Search Quality Update: Google Algorithm Changes

26-Jan-2016 16:16:47 | 2 Minute Read

At the very beginning of 2016, while all the webmasters and SEOs were patiently waiting for something that could potentially be the next generation of the Penguin update (which is known as an anti-spamlink part of search engine ranking modifications), we all have become witnesses of something that undoubtedly will remain a historical event in Google’s algorithm update continuity. This was a series of core algorithm updates, which was responsible for considerable SERPs fluctuations in the first two weeks of January. They were described by Algoroo tracking tool as the biggest ever.

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Topics: SEO, News

Focused Film Profit Through Digital

25-Jan-2016 11:08:33 | 1 Minute Read

Another Exciting update from the Innovation Visual team; we are now very pleased to introduce another new and inspiring project that we have been working with, Focused Film Limited -

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Topics: Technology, News