News, Articles & Knowledge

Beware Website Owners - Another Phishing Scam

06-Nov-2015 13:02:44 | 1 Minute Read

A new type of phishing scam has appeared in the last few days, one targeting website owners. The emails are being sent to the administrative contacts of website domains and are pretending to come from your website hosting / domain registration company. These emails claim that after multiple warnings your domain is going to be suspended for violation of the abuse policies. They obviously want you to click on a link that takes you to a web page and if you continue the process you will end up loosing information to these people.

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Topics: Technology, News

10 Tips For Cracking Content

30-Oct-2015 09:43:23 | 3 Minute Read

How many times do you hear people talking about content these days? If you’re a search marketing specialist like ourselves, it’s something we talk and discuss on a daily (almost hourly!) basis. Our clients know content is important but good content takes time and effort to produce. It’s a harsh, unforgiving world of competing content out there and getting those all important likes, +1s, re-tweets or shares can be a tough old job.

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Topics: Content

Architecture Live Builds Awareness with Search Marketing

19-Oct-2015 13:44:03 | 1 Minute Read

Leading architects in Surrey ArchitectureLive have started working with Innovation Visual to boost their search marketing. ArchitectureLive provide both private and commercial architecture services across the South of England. Their growth has been fuelled by their excellent reputation and recommendations from previous clients. As the business continues to grow they decided that they needed to boost their profile online and specifically when people are searching for services they provide on search engines like Google & Bing.

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Topics: SEO, PPC, Work, News

IV Help Perdix Wildlife Supplies Trap Their Ideal Customers

30-Sep-2015 20:10:42 | 1 Minute Read

Innovation Visual have started working with Perdix Wildlife Supplies the UK leader in wildlife and conservation products. Perdix have been supplying leading conservation projects across the UK and the world from Russia to Canada. They also supply their products to individuals and businesses for a wide variety of purposes.

Perdix provides high tech products such as radio transmitters and camera traps through to bird rings and mink rafts. Products have been extensively tested and assessed by the Perdix team to ensure their customers can buy with complete confidence. Many of the products are designed by the Perdix team to ensure the highest levels of effectiveness. Where possible products are manufactured by UK businesses and use sustainable materials, such as FSC wood and recycled plastics.

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Topics: Work, News

Innovation Visual Moves To Guildford

07-Sep-2015 12:12:25 | 1 Minute Read

From today, 7th September, Innovation Visual has a second office located at 3000 Cathedral Hill, Guildford, Surrey. The decision to open a Guildford office was inspired by our ever-growing client list, our expanding team (it was definitely getting a bit cosy back in Haslemere!) and easier, faster access to our local clients as well as London and beyond.

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Topics: News

Online Marketing Expertise for Waverley Council Event

03-Sep-2015 14:34:47 | 1 Minute Read

Innovation Visual have been asked to be part of Waverley Council’s ‘Ask the Expert’ event on the 29th September 2015 in Haslemere. The Ask The Expert Event is provided free for small businesses and those who are looking to start a small business by Waverley Council. By bringing together a range of experts into one place on one night business owners can benefit from asking questions on a wide range of important business subjects. The event is a chance for business people to talk informally to local experts about starting a business or expanding a business, as well as an opportunity to network and share ideas with other local entrepreneurs.

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Topics: Events