For some time now Google Chrome and other browsers like Safari have been rolling out updates which have been increasing the restrictions placed on third party cookies, and even first party cookies to a degree. Safari was one the first to bring in these changes (on a large scale), but they also have less to lose from these kinds of restrictions. And Microsoft Edge, we don’t really care about (we’ll let you look this up).
Soon things are about to change, drastically! Google Chrome is going to start to ‘phase out’ third party cookies, natively. The intention is to do this within two years; however, changes could come sooner. But what effect will this have on marketers and where will this leave adtech companies which are solely reliant on these cookies to function?
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The State of Marketing
Google have announced that if your page has been listed as a featured snippet on a search result page, then it will no longer also appear as a standard blue link on the first page.
How this will impact your page's rank?
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The State of Marketing
The coronavirus outbreak is the biggest single market disruption that the global economy has seen in decades. Even in a more localised or sector-based context, events such as the recession at the end of the 80s, the oil crisis of the 70s, and the 2008 financial crisis impacted fewer areas of the economy and more slowly than the current COVID19 outbreak. The great depression of the 1920s and the impact of the two World Wars are looking like the benchmarks for the economic disruption that could be witnessed.
But in all of the 24 hours news and social media cycle of doom, business people need to keep their heads, create a plan and work their way out of the situation that they find themselves in.
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Social Media,
The State of Marketing
The COVID-19 situation has had an impact on all aspects of our lives. From avoiding pubs and clubs to cancellations of major events to our working situations, with the UK government advising social distancing and working from home where possible.
The Innovation Visual team are no strangers to remote working. We are continuing to provide effective digital marketing services and produce great work and excellent results for our clients, to our expected high standards. This will not change, and we will be working even harder to ensure our clients' success in these difficult times!
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The State of Marketing
The coronavirus outbreak is proving to be a challenging time for many small and medium businesses and the business climate as we know is rapidly changing. Companies are needing to adapt to change including allowing employees to work remotely and flexibly or offering online and delivery services. To help support local businesses during this uncertain period, Innovation Visual were asked by Waverley Business to help get the message out about COVID-19 business support and advice available to them.
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The State of Marketing
The world of digital marketing can be complex and with so much advice and information out there it can be challenging to know whether you’re doing the right thing for the best results and ROI.
To help you focus on the right things that are going to help you deliver better results., The Innovation Visual team have compiled our top digital marketing tips (or commandments) to steer you in the right direction.
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