News, Articles & Knowledge

The Future of AI in Search

01-Mar-2023 10:33:04 | 8 Minute Read

Why is AI such a hot topic right now?

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is slowly but surely changing the way we interact with technology forever, and it is now a growing topic in many industries.

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Topics: SEO, Technology, Content, Strategy, Digital Marketing, Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Content Strategy & Planning

The Future of Search

01-Dec-2022 12:56:43 | 8 Minute Read

 Search, or the practice of using online SEP’s (Search Engine Platforms) to search for information, is an everyday part of life, both at home and at work. In fact, search is so embedded in how we live, many of us never give a thought to how easily and how often we turn to online platforms to discover the information we need, be it a historical fact, a phone number for that new restaurant, booking tickets or just the satisfaction of idle curiosity.

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Topics: SEO, Technology, Strategy, Digital Marketing, Paid Search, Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

The 2022 Google Helpful Content Update: What You Need to Know

30-Sep-2022 17:47:57 | 6 Minute Read

On August 25, 2022, Google announced a major update to its algorithm that will prioritise "helpful" content in its search results. The update, which was scheduled to take up to two weeks to rollout, has been dubbed the "helpful content update".

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Topics: SEO, Website, News, Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Innovation Visual Partner with Aztec Support

31-Aug-2022 17:35:20 | 2 Minute Read

Innovation Visual are thrilled to announce we will be working with Aztec Support. Aztec Support have over 21 years’ of experience in providing an expert IT support service in Chichester and beyond and have enlisted the help of Innovation Visual to elevate their marketing efforts and increase quality leads.

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Topics: SEO, PPC, Work, News, Social Media, Strategy, Video, Digital Marketing, Paid Search, Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Content Strategy & Planning, Lead Generation

IV are European Search Awards 2022 Finalists!

25-Apr-2022 16:17:01 | 1 Minute Read

Another year, another win for our incredible team at Innovation Visual. This year, we are finalists in the European Search Awards, in their ‘Best Use of Search – eCommerce’ category. This entry highlights our extensive work with Joseph’s Wigs. Whether it's for a medical reason or even fashion, they offer wigs perfect for a variety of situations. The company has a great message and supports people facing medical hardships, and we couldn't be more proud to support them.

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Topics: PPC, Events, News, Awards, Ecommerce, Paid Search, Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO), Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Our 5 Top SEO Trends To Think About In 2022

22-Feb-2022 14:26:00 | 7 Minute Read

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a crucial part of any business’s digital marketing strategy. Effective organic search is a cost-efficient, long-term means of delivering increased ranking, share of voice, visibility and for driving relevant traffic volume over the medium and long term.

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Topics: SEO, Content, Strategy, Video, Digital Marketing, Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)