Thank you to everyone who attended the Waverley Tourism Event and listened to Tim Butler’s presentation which outlined a number of practical tips on how tourism businesses can improve their digital marketing.
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2017 has been another great year for Innovation Visual and its clients with many exciting changes. The most striking of the changes was our new office. With our growth requiring a third office change in the same number of years we have moved into a much larger space in the beautiful Tanshire Park. Thanks to all of you who came to help us celebrate the new office. Special thanks to Diverse Interactive who brought their VR and AR experiences for people to try, Chris & James from Google Partners for their talk on voice search and Karen Botha from the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation for telling us about the valuable work they are doing to protect wild painted dogs in Zimbabwe. Thanks to all who contributed to the fund-raising efforts on the night. We managed to raise more than £300 for the foundations cause.
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