News, Articles & Knowledge

5 Lead Generation Ideas for Your B2B Business in 2024

26-Mar-2024 11:42:09 | 7 Minute Read

Does your B2B company find it increasingly difficult to generate high quality leads? This is a challenge marketeers are facing in 2024 for several reasons including increased privacy concerns, a rise in content created by AI platforms leading to over-saturation of the market, and continuous platform changes. Coupled with an uncertain economic climate, marketing departments are also faced with reduced budgets and deals closing at a slower pace, as potential opportunities have become more risk averse. This means we must rethink how we generate leads.  

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Topics: Strategy, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, B2B

Why is it hard to demonstrate the value of paid campaigns in B2B businesses?

13-Nov-2023 22:22:19 | 6 Minute Read

“Digital marketing is all attributable, isn’t it?”  That’s what the CEO asks, but the reality is more complicated, especially in B2B settings. Changes in the more than a decade of doing paid campaigns for B2B businesses mean that being able to say spending X got you Y is harder now than ever. But why?

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Topics: Strategy, Paid Search, Lead Generation

Unlock the Power of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) | A Comprehensive Guide

12-Oct-2023 09:31:11 | 9 Minute Read

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as a game-changing strategy for businesses looking to grow and foster stronger customer relationships. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of account-based marketing, exploring its key principles, benefits, and implementation strategies.

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Topics: SEO, Website, Digital Marketing, Content Strategy & Planning, HubSpot, UX, Lead Generation, ABM, Personalisation, Email, B2B

How AI is Changing Marketing in 2023

01-Jun-2023 10:40:17 | 11 Minute Read

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is making a profound impact on marketing strategies, presenting both opportunities and challenges for CMOs, Marketing Directors, and even CEOs everywhere. AI technologies are revolutionising the way businesses engage with customers, optimise campaigns, and deliver personalised experiences. It’s also affecting the way consumers search.

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Topics: SEO, Technology, Content, Strategy, Digital Marketing, Content Strategy & Planning, Lead Generation, Artificial Intelligence (AI)

New HubSpot Website for Red Flag Alert

27-Oct-2022 14:17:55 | 4 Minute Read

 Innovation Visual client Red Flag Alert is an established but progressive business that helps its clients use data insights to grow revenue and protect their company from financial risk.

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Topics: Website, Work, News, Case Study, HubSpot, UX, Lead Generation, Website Development

Innovation Visual Partner with Aztec Support

31-Aug-2022 17:35:20 | 2 Minute Read

Innovation Visual are thrilled to announce we will be working with Aztec Support. Aztec Support have over 21 years’ of experience in providing an expert IT support service in Chichester and beyond and have enlisted the help of Innovation Visual to elevate their marketing efforts and increase quality leads.

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Topics: SEO, PPC, Work, News, Social Media, Strategy, Video, Digital Marketing, Paid Search, Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Content Strategy & Planning, Lead Generation