This International Women’s Day we wanted to take this opportunity to recognise the women making STEM their own.
As a tech business, we’re very aware that women have moved further into the digital marketing space over the 7 years that Innovation Visual has been around and can see the changes echoed in the wider STEM and digital marketing landscape too. However, all things are still not equal and, in some areas, for example SEO, the workforce is still around 70% male globally (Moz).
We’re interested in how the women working in STEM now see the changes and how their careers have been supported/impacted by the change in gender profile in their chosen fields.
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Our Team,
For general reporting and analysis, the HubSpot built-in reports are great! We use them all the time at and they’ve become an invaluable tool for us to use daily. However, with a recent release, we’re now able to expand what we can do with our HubSpot data even further and we’re really excited about it.
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The rapid development of SEO as a digital marketing tool has allowed companies to explore more innovative ways to market their products and services online. For that reason, we are excited to share the news with you!
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Our Team,
Digital Marketing
It’s 2021, finally…. And after the events of 2020, global and domestic, we could all be forgiven for thinking that the start of a New Year might herald calmer and more familiar waters ahead. After all, we’ve taken the transition to remote working and the digitalisation of our processes and activities in our stride. We’re aware of the ‘new normal’ and have adapted. Haven’t we?
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The State of Marketing,
Digital Marketing
In the wake of a tumultuous year, the Innovation Visual team simply couldn’t let the opportunity pass to nominate our CEO Tim Butler as Lockdown Leader of the year in the SME National Business Awards 2020.
Find out why we think he deserves to win this prestigious award.
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Our Team,
Hello, I’m Hope – one of the recent additions to the Innovation Visual team. I’ve nearly completed two months here already and have kindly been given the opportunity to write a bit about my background and first impressions of the team.
I’m extremely grateful to have not only have been given the opportunity to continue my marketing journey at Innovation Visual during these unprecedented times but to be a part of a team who have all been so welcoming and supportive during the short amount of time, it really has made starting a new job remotely much easier.
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Our Team,