Wow What a Year!
It’s been a year since Covid-19 and lockdown forced us all to pack up our desks and start working from home and what a year it has been! Although the past year has raised some serious challenges in all walks of life, it has truly been positive year for Innovation Visual. Our team has expanded, growing closer despite the geographical distance and we have reached the finals of many awards including the European Content Awards, The Global Digital Excellence Awards, The Drum Awards for Digital Agencies and The Global Agency Awards. We also won Gold at the International Business Awards!
Since the move to remote working, we have seen a boost in productivity and morale across the team, who have been supported by our wellness initiative, so we have decided to make it a permanent arrangement. We have kept the office premises, which has allowed our team to come in to collaborate in person when necessary– socially distanced of course!We wanted to maintain contact as a group whilst working remotely, so we have introduced daily “Huddles”, which allow the team to update each other on what they have been working on and also have non-work-related ‘water cooler’ conversations. This has encouraged the team to keep in contact, even if they are not all working together closely.
Our Carbon Saving
Not only has working from home boosted productivity, but it has also allowed us to make huge carbon savings! We have saved a staggering total of 12 tonnes of carbon in the past year, from reduced commuting and business travel, with our monthly carbon production now being extremely minimal. This is a great achievement for us because protecting the environment is a huge priority and part of our corporate culture. We have been donating to environmental charities, as part of the 1% for the Planet initiative since 2012, but as well as making donations to the cause, we are committed to making physical changes as a business.
We have been recording and reporting our carbon footprint every 6 months so we can monitor our progress and identify any areas for improvement. With our team expanding and lockdown rules easing, we are expecting to see a slight rise in our carbon footprint, however we are continuously looking into ways in which we can keep this to a minimum. At home, our team have been excellent at making some changes to their lifestyle in order to be more sustainable and to reduce their carbon footprint and we will be sharing some of their ideas over on our Twitter feed!
Despite all of our efforts to keep our carbon footprint to a minimum, we are still producing a small amount of CO2. We have decided to offset this carbon production through making charitable donations to Carbon Offsets to Alleviate Poverty (COTAP). COTAP use donations to fund and support several projects in various communities, aiming to reduce poverty in these areas.