Your prospective customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and harder to reach during the working day. Bombarding them with ads, emails and cold calls does not result in the high volumes of sales leads that it often used to provide. Companies need to adjust to how their prospects are researching the challenges they face and readily provide the solution to their need.
Inbound marketing considers the customers need at the centre of its approach. Customers engagement is earned by driving them to the website through generating compelling content.
HubSpot have defined Inbound marketing as a strategy that:
"focuses on attracting customers, or leads, via company-created Internet content, thereby having potential customers come to the company rather than marketers vying for their attention.”
When we devise client's digital marketing strategy, we are putting your potential customers' motivations and information needs at the very centre of everything we do. We create customer personas and consider where they are on their buying journey. All content and output starts from that point.
We believe that empathetic solution orientated online content that answers a customers needs and guides them through their business challenge will create increased leads and ultimately sales.
Learn more about how inbound marketing works and what steps you need to take to make it a success.
Take a deep breath and ask yourself; is your online content:
Or, are your main website pages a description of your products and services, with some content about how great you are and do your blog posts simply list news about your business wins? At a basic level there is a value exchange going on when someone is on your website.
Value of knowledge gained > Value of time spent
If you are simply talking about your products and services in a very sales manner, then you are not providing a knowledge sharing opportunity. People are unlikely to obtain the information they are searching for and will probably spend a short amount of time on your site.
If your potential customers are engaged with your site content, they are likely to remember your website after their initial search and you will be front on mind when they are at the purchasing point of their customer journey.
Every business is different, as such our approach is always tailored to your needs. Why not give us a call today on 0333 772 0509 or fill in the form opposite to explain the challenges you face and the goals you want to achieve? We would love to talk to you and see how we can help.
PedalCover are the leading cycle and home content insurer. We helped them develop a content strategy that delivered more policy sales.
Read this case studyInnovation Visual Ltd
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